
A Musical Treasure from Poona: Chaurasia & Hussain, Rediscovered
Prepare to be transported back to 1992, Poona, for a rare musical experience. I’m thrilled to announce the release of two previously unreleased recordings featuring the legendary Pandit Hariprasad Chaurasia on Flute and the maestro Ustad Zakir Hussain on Tabla. These...

De ashram, de kunst en de liefde: Mijn zoektocht naar betekenis
In 1978 verbleef ik enige maanden in de ashram van Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. Maar ik was er niet aan toe om te verbinden. Ik verbleef datzelfde jaar kortere of langere tijd bij meerdere andere geestelijk leiders. Guru's van de Matrimandir in Pondicherry Auroville, ...

DesiYUP Takes a Moment to Recharge
After the whirlwind of Eindeloos India, we're taking a moment to pause, reflect, and recharge. The festival was an incredible journey, filled with unforgettable performances, workshops, talks, and cultural exchanges. We're incredibly grateful for the overwhelming...

Sharing Divali Experiences and Reflecting on Endless India Festival
As the lights dim and the last echoes of laughter fade, I pause to reflect on the Eindeloos (Endless) India Festival. This was DesiYUP’s humble attempt to organize a second edition of this festival in Rotterdam. This festival, rich in tradition and creativity, brought...

DesiYUP Founder Mahesvari Autar Featured on National Radio NP1 to Discuss the Eindeloos India Festival
We’re thrilled to share that DesiYUP founder Mahesvari Autar was recently featured on the national radio station NP1, where she spoke passionately about the upcoming Eindeloos India Festival! In the interview, Mahesvari highlighted the inspiring talk by Seema Anand,...
DesiYUP Founder Mahesvari Autar Featured on National Radio NP1 to Discuss the Eindeloos India Festival
We’re thrilled to share that DesiYUP founder Mahesvari Autar was recently featured on the national radio station NP1, where she spoke passionately about the upcoming Eindeloos India Festival! In the interview, Mahesvari highlighted the inspiring talk by Seema Anand,...
Eindeloos India Featured in regional newspaper Havenloods
The Eindeloos India Festival has been featured in Havenloods! In this article, Seema Anand’s storytelling on the Kama Shastra and the unique blend of ancient Indian wisdom with music at the festival is highlighted. The feature gives a glimpse into the program, which...
Eindeloos India Festival featured on online platform Hindoestanenbelike.nl
DesiYUP and the Eindeloos India Festival have been featured on the popular cultural platform Hindoestanenbelike.nl! Read their insightful article about the upcoming performances by renowned storyteller Seema Anand and the soulful Ghazal singer Gayatri Asokan. Don’t...
Talkshow Eindeloos India Festival featured on online platform Hindoestanenbelike.nl
On the online cultural platform hindoestanenbelike.nl, the Eindeloos India Festival was featured for the Talkshow that will be held on 6 October in the Maritime Museum in Rotterdam. The main topic of the discussion is: "Hindoestaanse jongeren over roots en...
Online platform Mixedworldmusic.com features sold out concert Soumik Datta in Het Concertgebouw Amsterdam
14 September was an epic experience with the SOLD OUT concert Mone Rekho (Remember) with Soumik Datta and Gurdain Singh Rayatt at Het Concert Gebouw Amsterdam. Read the article online (in Dutch) and also check out the concert page of the event to see the aftermovie...
Book Launch
The founder of DesiYUP, Mahesvari Autar releases her first Children’s book.
“My mission is to introduce everyone to the wonderful Indian music tradition that has so enriched my life. Writing and publishing this book is my first step in sharing my love of Indian music with children. Through the adventures of Radha and Krishna, I want to enthuse young and old about raga music”
‘Radha’s first concert’ is available now in bookstores and through this website.