The DesiYUP Blog
Stay up-to-date on our Adventures in the World of Meaningful Music
reCharkha: upcycling plastic into unique handwoven products (Advertorial)
reCharkha – The EcoSocial Tribe is an inspiring organization born out of an urge to change the face of priceless natural surroundings. reCharkha gives waste plastic a second life and believes in a bottom-up approach. In the past few years they have given Indian tribal women the opportunity to earn their own money.
What is the link between Bollywood Music, Maasai TikTokers and the Blindian Community?
And what has Kamala Harris has to do with all this? Yes, that’s also what I thought when I started writing this blog. How do I manage to mix together complete different stories in one blog? If you decide to read further I will do my best to clear the confusion...
Standing On The Shoulders Of My Maternal Lineage
This month I experienced Rome like Audrey Hepburn did in the film Vacanze Romane. I must admit I roamed around the ancient city by foot in stead of a stylish Vespa. Nevertheless, it was a memorable journey.
Falling in and out of love with the Eurovision Song Contest
In November 2019 I was invited to a Bollywood program at the Concert Gebouw. To mentally prepare myself for an evening of music & mingling I decided to drink tea at the Amstel Hotel. It’s no secret that lovely places make me zen! While sipping my perfect hot cup of Earl Grey tea I read an email that can be compared with winning a million euro lottery.
A Confession… Of A Frustrated Face
Primer, foundation, fixer, powder and shimmer are a few secret ingredients that makeup artists use to cake my face. An average session of caking easily takes up to an hour. Turning my face into a fifty shades of orange barbie doll or a Sonam Kapoor lookalike for Instagram.
Nāda Yoga: experience a sense of well being
The importance of practicing Yoga on a regular basis is accepted world wide as beneficial. Adi Shankaracharya calls it “an essential ingredient to attain freedom”. Yoga is therefore so much more than just stretching and bending the body in various postures.
Mantra’s For The Little Ones
It’s been a year ago that DesiYUP co-organized ‘Yoga Nidra’ for babies and toddlers. From initial idea to executing this concept into a live event with little ones as our target audience was quite an overwhelming experience.
Bhaja Govindam
It’s not a surprise that music plays a vital role in Hindu philosophy. In fact, sound is interwoven in almost every ritual. The idea of the sacred sound is, for example, incorporated into mantra chanting, and singing kīrtana, and devotional songs. The greatest...
Navratri-campaign: Honour the woman next to you
I bow down again and again to the Goddess who is manifest in all creatures as strength and powerThis year, nine women will reflect on Navratri in a different way. We will do this by drawing attention to the Forgotten People, the Yezidis. We will worship Goddess Durga...