How Mahesvari Autar Manages Two Jobs

How Mahesvari Autar Manages Two Jobs

Thanks to Kabir Sehgal, #portfoliocareer DesiYUP is featured in this interview about having multiple careers. DesiYUP founder Mahesvari Autar believes that there is no need to limit ourselves in having more than one successful career, She shares her manages her two careers: #communication officer & #founder of DesiYUP.
Interested to know more about my two careers?

4 Christmas tips – Newspaper ‘Trouw’

4 Christmas tips – Newspaper ‘Trouw’

How to celebrate Christmas during the Covid-19 pandemic asked newspaper Trouw journalist Lodewijk Dros? He interviewed 3 representatives of the Jewish, Muslim and Hindu community how they celebrated their religious festivals during the lockdown. DesiYUP Founder...
DesiYUP featured on Open Rotterdam Festival TV via Livestream

DesiYUP featured on Open Rotterdam Festival TV via Livestream

DesiYUP is featured on the Open Rotterdam online platform called Festival TV. Because many concerts have been canceled. due to the Corona Virus outbreak, many people have gone digital to experience culture and art. This is DesiYUP’s contribution to the online...
Interview with Debasmita Battacharya

Interview with Debasmita Battacharya

Last year DesiYUP collaborated with Darbar, Sandeep Virdee and curated an Indian concert with Debasmita Bhattacharya (sarod) and Gurdain Singh Rayatt (tabla) for the annual Holland-India music festival in de Nieuwe Kerk in Den Haag.

DesiYUP brings India to Rotterdam

DesiYUP brings India to Rotterdam

DesiYUP was featured on the TV Channel Open Rotterdam. In this program DesiYUP founder Mahesvari Autar tells the audience what motivates her in her mission to bring meaningful music to the masses in The Netherlands. A special thanks goes to Farzana and Aino from OPEN...
Diversity within the Theater world isn’t self-evident.

Diversity within the Theater world isn’t self-evident.

DesiYUP founder Mahesvari Autar recently wrote an article that was published in the national Dutch Newspaper Trouw. The subject matter was about cultural diversity within the Dutch theaters. This article was also featured on the Trouw website and can be read in the...