The Dutch Hindu information platform Sanatan Dharm net featured the upcoming Eindeloos India in de Doelen where on 5 October influencer, mythologist and storyteller Seema Anand will give an ninspirational interactive talk on the Kama Shastra. This article emphasizes the importance of the Hindu community knowing it’s own history, scriptures and cultural ways and owning the narative instead of western distortions that have been given to different scriptures and heritages.
- DesiYUP Founder Mahesvari Autar Interviewed by host Vijay Sampatsing on radio progam “Onbekend maakt Onbemind”
- Hindu information platform features upcoming inspirational interactive talk by Seema Anand during Eindeloos India
- Hindorama features DesiYUP Eindeloos India for inspirational interactive talk with Seema Anand
- Hindoes missen (h)erkenning van hun eeuwenoude beschaving in de media. ‘De uit Suriname afkomstige hindoe leeft ruim 50 jaar in Nederland en is amper zichtbaar!’
- Hindoes in de Media Photo report