I bow down again and again to the Goddess
who is manifest in all creatures as strength and power

This year, nine women will reflect on Navratri in a different way. We will do this by drawing attention to the Forgotten People, the Yezidis. We will worship Goddess Durga for nine nights by honoring the woman ‘next to us’. The brave Yezidi women have survived a genocide and showed courage and resilience under the most difficult circumstances. During this Hindu festival we wil give a voice to these powerful women who have defeated unbeatable demons.

In the summer of 2014 IS invaded the Sinjar region of Iraq. 6500 women and children were abducted and sold at slave markets. Thousands of men were murdered and the youngest boys were trained as IS fighters. Many women managed to escape or were rescued, but 2800 women are still missing. Journalist Brenda Stoter Boscolo published a book about the Yezidis titled ‘The Forgotten People’. This book is only available in Dutch.

#Navratri4Yezidis #DeviNL #WomenSupportingWomen

The Women Supporting This Campaign

Mahesvari Autar

Monique Badloe

Kirty Matabadal

Shantie Singh

Meera Nankoe

Bharti Girjasing

Renate Badloe

Raksha Bharos

Chrada Sheoratan

Media Mentions of this Campaign

“So much attention for one Dutch perpetrator and so little for hundreds of thousands of victims” writes Brenda Stoter in the national newspaper AD.

Read the article in Ducth

De Yezidi genocide is niemand ontgaan. In 2014 hebben de aanhangers van IS het Yezidi gebied Sinjar aangevallen waar vele Yezidi’s zijn om het leven zijn gebracht, maar ook velen als gevangenen zijn meegenomen. Tot op de dag van vandaag zijn duizenden vrouwen en kinderen vermist.

Read the article in Ducth

‘Eer de vrouw naast je’. Dat is de boodschap van de campagne ‘Navrati4Yezidis’ waarmee negen vrouwen extra aandacht willen vragen voor Jezidi-vrouwen. Ze passen de symboliek toe van het Hindoeïstische feest Navrati, waarbij de negen goddelijke vormen van hindoegodin ‘Durga’ vereerd worden.

Read the article in Ducth

Devi Suktam composed, produced and sung by Vasuda Sharma

The Tantroktam Devi Suktam is a part of the Durga Saptashati. Tantroktam Devi Suktam is also known as Chandi Path. Tantroktam Devi Suktam is recited at the end of Devi Mahatmya. The Devas sang these verses to the Devi (Mahisasurmardini) after she destroyed the demon Mahisha. Chanting Tantroktam Devi Suktam destroys all obstacles from one’s life. This hymn is a beautiful blend of vedic mantras with contemporary modern music.

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