Yogic Slumber Kids 2+ met Prewien & Daniëlle
Yogic Slumber Kids 2+ met Prewien & Daniëlle
Yogic Slumber Kids 2+ met Prewien & Daniëlle
The Many Faces of Love – An exploration of Hindu Mythology was our first collaboration with de Doelen. It’ took a good 7 month’s to produce this multidisciplinary program (storytelling, music, dance, visuals).
Shivali, Vee and Annelieke are the stars of this production. They have worked extremely hard together and the end result was outstanding. This program can go places!
We have received so much love and appreciation from our audience and I’m grateful that they came to support this unique concept. And my GWA Aniel Autar is proud to be associated with DesiYUP.
We started 2020 with two concerts on January 11th. The first one was for baby’s, toddlers and pregnant women. As research has shown an many cultures have known for millennia, listening to calming and spiritual music helps in the positive development of a child. Even listening from within the womb. During the afternoon concert many children and their parents were able to listen to Vedic hymns while they relaxed in a safe and comfortable environment.
The second concert that was during the evening, adults that wanted to have a relaxing laying down session while different ancient poems by Indian saints were presented with both classical and modern instruments.
Especially for this laying down concerts, we flew over singers and composer Aks and Lakshmi from Los Angeles (USA) and we had Prewien Pandora Mishre (Harmonium) and Danielle van Driel (Harp) accompanying them.
Begin het nieuwe jaar met muziek en ontspanning voor de allerkleinsten. Hoe eerder jonge kinderen in aanraking komen met betekenisvolle muziek, hoe beter het is voor de algemene ontwikkeling van het kind. Zwangere vrouwen zijn ook van harte welkom om dit programma bij te wonen.
Voel je kind in de buik bewegen op eeuwenoude rustgevende muziek. Of laat je baby, dreumes & peuter op een speelse manier kennis maken met Vedische hymnen. Speciaal voor Yoga Nidra wordt de monumentale ruimte van de Nieuwe Kerk omgetoverd tot een muzikaal paradijs. Hier kunnen alle kleintjes samen met (groot)ouders/verzorgers genieten van een gezellige mantraconcert. Stilzitten mag, maar hoeft niet! Alle kindjes kunnen onbekommerd springen, dansen en meedoen. Speciaal voor dit programma vliegen zangers en componist Aks en Lakshmi over uit Los Angeles (USA). De mantra’s die Aks & Lakshmi zingen, zijn herkenbare korte verzen zoals ‘Jai Jai Shiv Shambho’, ‘Gayatri Mantra’, ‘Hare Rama Hare Krishna’, ’Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya’.
Festival Muses of Mindfulness brought us and our loved ones happiness. This festival featured talented vocalists who have their roots in Indian classical music. Together with Zuiderstrandtheater we proudly presented to you Pandit Anirban Bhattacharyya, Pandit Hemang Mehta, Shri Prewien Pandohi-Mishre, tabla maestro Yama Sarshar and Jasdeep Singh Degun on Sitar and Deniz Schelfi on Tanpura. The concept of Muses of Mindfulness is unconventional. These muses tell a story of mindfulness by creating different moods during the festival.
We ended our concert season of 2018 with a very special concert dedicated to Annapurna Devi and her Maihar Gharana. Pandit Rupak Kulkarni and Ojas Yogesh Adhiya (tabla) performed on the 23rd of October in Podium Grounds, Rotterdam.
Pandit Rupak Kulkarni who is a student of the well renowned Pandit Hariprasad Chaurasia, honored the tradition of Ma Annapurna Devi in a concert where the audience was both impressed by the talent that this Gharana has produced while also being filled with jou and peace.
This concert was organized in collaboration with Darbar Festival (special thanks to Sandeep Virdee) and Rasique music school.
This was one of the best classical concerts of this year.
On 18 September 2018 DesiYUP organized a Hindustani Semi Classical concert with Nirali Kartik in Laaktheater the Hague. Accompanied by Amit Mishra (tabla) & Prewien Pandohi-Mishre (harmonium)
A spiritual experience in a historic setting
The historic Pelgrimvaderskerk in Rotterdam was the setting of a spiritual experience when composer, singer and multi-instrumentalist Manish Vyas enchanted the audience with the singing of mantras. Together with his bandmembers Hindol en Ojas, he brought the audience to a higher state during this ninety minute concert. Except for the clapping between the songs, you could hear a pin drop during his songs. This was a night that will keep resonating in the hearts of the audience.