Planning and Promoting a beautiful concert of an amazing soul that is Nirali

While DesiYUP also experiences Maatibaani’s presence and positivity.

Promotion and Presentations

Nirali Promoted that she would be touring  Europe in 2015 and also mentioned her coming to the Netherlands for her concert in De Nieuwe Kerk. DesiYUP also wanted to introduce Nirali’s voice to more people then the DesiYUP audience. So Nirali was featured in an interview on the national tv program VPRO Vrije Geluiden. She also performed two songs there. Check out the videos below.

Sight Seeing and Radio Interviews

Nirali and Kartik went to go sight seeing with DesiYUP. They visited the venue De Nieuwe Kerk where Nirali would be performing. They also went to the parlement in The Hague and met with politica Tanja Jadnanansing. They also dit interviews at Amor FM and Vahon.

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