Sep 3, 2017
That sense of discipline brought magic to the songs. Be it the lyrics, melody or the instrumentation – its simplicity and complexity put together makes it memorable. Come September 7th, Holland will witness a tribute to the best romantic classics of the Hindi cinema. This musical evening will witness the one-woman band Vasuda Sharma share the stage with British singer-songwriter and entertainer Navin Kundra. Cabaretier and comedian Rayen Panday will also make a guest appearance in the show.
Aug 24, 2017
One doesn’t need to be surrounded by incense or regular trips to temples to be near to God. Spirituality is a way of life. The spirit is inside to do good karma, doing one’s deed sincerely is in itself a worship to the almighty. The Supreme being, the creator of all, who we call God, Allah, Jesus, Krishna or Ram, that resides in us.
Dec 3, 2015
The talented Indian Singer / Songwriter Vasuda Sharma gave a masterclass in Rotterdam (SKVR) organised by DesiYUP. The news channel Open Rotterdam covered this event in this news story.
Nov 20, 2015
Vasuda Sharma will perform an in-house concert at the DesiYUP studio on a night of musical devotion.