During my Skype-conversation with Manish Vyas, he told me that our world is in need of sattvic-music. According Hindu mythologist Devdutt Pattanaik people who have a strong sattva-guna personality feel the need to outgrow their fears by helping others and during this process they realize they have a mind of their own. Sattva-guna music is sensitive, it allows to introspect and by analyzing the deeper meaning of mantra-music one can experience a change in mindset and feelings.

The Gayatri Mantra

Perhaps the most revered and practiced Vedic mantra is the Gayatri Mantra. This mantra is based on a Sanskrit verse from the Rig Veda. The mantra invokes the deity ‘Savitur’ also called ‘Savitri’. The divine personification of Goddess Gayatri in this mantra is physically represented as the illuminating light of the sun.

The Gayatri mantra translated by Sutra is; You are the protector, The basis of all life, Who is self-existent, Who is free from all ignorance, Who pervades in the Universe, The giver of all the Creator and energizer of the whole Universe, The giver of all illumination who is worthy of acceptance, The most excellent, Who is pure and the purifier of all, let us embrace that very divinity so that he may direct our mental faculties in the right direction.

Each such rhythm is a breath of the truth that seeks expression. When we repeat the words of these powerful mantra’s, in a beautiful ambiance of a church, in rhythmic strains our thought, vision, feeling, sense, the body’s self resonate through our conscious and evoke a feeling of positivity and happiness. And this meditative music goes beyond our mind says Manish.

Support from the Indian Embassy in the Netherlands

The need to spread Sattvic-music, especially within the Sarnami-Hindustani community, motivated the Embassy of India to spread the deeper knowledge about the benefits of mantra-music. We are sincerely grateful to receive so much trust and support from the Indian Embassy.  

Manish Vyas will give two workshops in Rotterdam and Amsterdam. The workshop in Rotterdam will be held at the Codarts Music conservatory on the 24th of March. The targeted audience are music students or professional musicians, who want to learn more about devotional singing. The second workshop will be held at PLLEK Amsterdam on the 25th of March. Anybody who is curious about the mantra tradition can participate in this workshop.

For more information about these activities contact non-profit foundation sanatandharm.net. They are collaborating with PLLEK and Codarts to facilitate these workshops. If you are interested in participating in the workshops mentioned above write to: info@sanatandharm.net.


A very Indian approach to management, business sutra – Devdutt Pattanaik

Sutra Shakti, idea, movement, and manifestation volume 5, 2010

Listen to Sattvic-Music online:

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